Swimming Lesson Skill Levels

Swim Lesson

Beginner Level classes are kept small to enhance skill development. Intermediate and Advanced classes grow in size as students become more independent and can benefit from the use of swimming drills to enhance their skills and increase strength/endurance.

Wiggles & Giggles

Recommended for parents and their children, 6 months to 4 years, who wish to orient and familiarize their youngsters to the pool and prepare for swim lessons. Swim diaper required if child is not toilet trained.

Beginner Level (Minnows are 4-5 years old, Otters are 6 years of age and older)

This class focuses on beginning swimming skills such as submersion, front and back floating, kicking and arm strokes. An emphasis is placed on teaching the student to swim one length of the recreational pool in order to graduate to the Advanced Beginner Level (Stingrays). Children should be mature enough to be without a parent for 30 minutes. Class size averages 4 students per instructor depending on skill level. Four classes per session.

Advanced Beginner (Stingrays)

This class focuses on swimming skills such as crawl stroke with breathing and backstroke. An emphasis is placed on building strength and endurance to swim two lengths in the competition pool and graduate to the Intermediate & Advanced Level (Dolphins). Class size averages between 4-8 students per instructor. Four classes per session.

Intermediate & Advanced Level (Dolphins)

This affordable and fun program is designed to develop intermediate to advanced recreational swimming ability & water safety skills. All sessions include skill development, as well as strength and endurance building. Select sessions include personal water safety, boating safety, water polo, introduction to competitive swimming, and a fun relay meet. Students must be able to swim at least 25 yards of crawl stroke and 25 yards of backstroke. A screening test is required. Four, 50-minute classes per session.