Homelessness Subcommittee

The McMinnville Homelessness Subcommittee was formed in February, 2017, as a subcommittee of the McMinnville Affordable Housing Task Force, with a focus on homelessness issues, programs and projects in McMinnville.  The subcommittee meets monthly and is comprised of elected officials and staff from the City of McMinnville as well as Yamhill County, and representatives from service providers, the business community, faith-based organizations, and the community at-large. 

Agenda and Minutes

Lindsey Manfrin, Yamhill County HHS, Chair
Melissa Alonzo
Mark Carlson, Faith Based Community
Remy Drabkin, City Council
Dave Haugeberg, Gospel Rescue Mission/Legal
Emily Howard, Business Representative
Heather Richards, McMinnville Planning Department
Matt Scales, McMinnville Police Department
Mary Starrett, Yamhill County Commission
Joni Tonn, Linfield College
Interim Executive Director, McMinnville Affordable Housing Task Force/YCAP
Community At-Large - Vacant
Service Provider/Housing Authority - Vacant
Youth - Vacant
Latino - Vacant
McMinnville School District - Vacant