2018 Comprehensive Plan (Goals & Policies) and/or Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments

vacation home rental

The City of McMinnville is proposing to amend Chapter 17.06 (Definitions), Chapter 17.12 (R-1 Single-Family Residential Zone), Chapter 17.15 (R-2 Single-Family Residential Zone), Chapter 17.18 (R-3 Two-


The City of McMinnville is proposing to amend Chapter 17.62 (Signs) of the McMinnville Zoning Ordinance.  The proposed zoning text amendments are related to nonconforming signs and the process for which 

The City of McMinnville is proposing to amend Chapters 17.06 (Definitions) and 17.33 (C-3 General Commercial Zone) of the McMinnville Zoning Ordinance.  The proposal is related to residential use in the C-3 General Commercial zone.