Minor Partition (MP 1-18) - 827 SW Gilson Street

Application:  Minor Partition (MP 1-18)

Mary Hill is requesting approval to partition an approximately 0.85 acre parcel of land into two (2) parcels approximately 30,063 and 7,100 square feet in size.   The subject site is zoned R-2 (Single-Family Residential) and is located at 827 SW Gilson Street.  It is more specifically described as Tax Lot 1800, Section 20CD, T.4 S., R. 4 W., W.M.

Review Process:
  Administrative Review (Planning Director)

Applicant: Mary Hill
Map & Tax Lot(s):  R4420CD01800
Current Zone(s):  R-2 (Single-Family Residential)

Proposal:  Partition into 2 Parcels
  Parcel 1 -  30,063 square feet
  Parcel 2 - 7,100 square feet