Certificate of Approval Demolition (HL 2-20) - 207 NE Johnson Street

Application:  Certificate of Approval Demolition (HL 2-20)

Joe Pearson, on behalf of property owner Praise Assembly,requesting the approval of the demolition of an existing historic resource and building that is listed on the McMinnville Historic Resources Inventory as an “Environmental” historic resource (resource number D971)  The subject site is zoned C-3 (General Commercial) and is located at 608 NE 3rd Street and is more specifically described as Tax Lot 6200, Section 21BD, T.4 S., R.4 W., W.M.

Public Meeting:
  Historic Landmarks Committee:  July 23, 2020
  Zoom Meeting:  3:00 pm

Applicant:  Joe Pearson, Praise Assembly
Map & Tax Lot(s):  R4421BD06200
Current Zone(s):  C-3 (General Commercial)
Proposal:  Demolition of Historic Structure (D917)