Historic Landmarks Committee Applications

Below is a list of Historic Landmark review applications.  The Historic Landmarks Committee (HLC) reviews these applications at a public meeting and issues a Certificate of Approval for the following applications:  Demolition, Moving, New Construction, or Exterior Facade Alteration.  

The Gwendolyn Hotel Project includes three Historic Landmarks Applications and one Downtown Design Review application: HL 6-22, HL 7-22, HL 8-22, and DDR 2-22. 

The project proposes a new hotel on Third Street that will include the demolition of three historic structures: 609, 611, and 619 NE Third Street.

The Historic Landmarks Committee denied all four land-use applications, and the applicant appealed those decisions to the Planning Commission.  The Planning Commission approved all four land-use applications, and those decisions have now been appealed to the McMinnville City Council.  

McMinnville Downtown Association, on behalf of each of the four (4) property owners, is requesting the approval of alterations to four (4) existing historic landmarks that are listed on the McMinnville Historic Resources Inventory and also contributing buildings within the McMinnville Downtown Historic District.

Mario Espinosa, on behalf of property owner Delta Rho of Kappa Alpha Bld. Assoc.,  is requesting the approval of the demolition of two existing historic resources and buildings that are located on the subject

Brian Jackson, on behalf of property owner Linfield University, requesting the approval of the demolition of an existing historic landmark and building that is listed on the McMinnville Historic Resources Inventory as an “Significant” historic resource (resource number B549).