Minor Partition (MP 1-21) - 1206 NE 10th Avenue

Application:  Minor Partition (MP 1-21)

Karl-Heinz Berto Wolff, property owner, is requesting approval to partition an approximately 8,485 square foot parcel of land into two (2) parcels approximately 4,208 and 4,277 square feet in size to allow for the creation of common-wall single family dwelling units on each individual parcel.  The subject site is located at 1206 NE 10th Avenue and is more specifically described as Lot 30, Cottage Addition to the City of McMinnville. The subject property is also identified as Tax Lot 1800, Section 21AB, T.4 S., R. 4 W., W.M.

Review Process:
  Administrative Review (Planning Director)

Applicant: Karl-Heinz Berto Wolff
Map & Tax Lot(s):  R4421AB01800
Current Zone(s):  R-2 (Single Family Residential)

Proposal:  Partition into 2 Parcels
  Parcel 1 - 4,208 square feet
  Parcel 2 - 4,277 square feet