Downtown Design Review & Waiver (DDR 5-19) - 903 NE 3rd Street

Application:  Downtown Design Review (DDR 5-19) 

Ron Burcham, on behalf of property owner Mini Super Hidalgo LLC, is requesting approval of a Downtown Design Review application to allow for an addition to the existing building at 903 NE 3rd Street that infills the existing building perimeter walls under the existing covered area on the south side of the building.  The proposed work includes alterations to the existing building façade as part of the addition, including new storefront windows, new façade materials, new awnings, and an updated fascia and cornice.

The application includes a request for one waiver from a downtown design standard to allow for a reduction in the amount of glazing (i.e. windows and other glass or openings) on the building facades from the required 70 percent to 61 percent on the Third Street façade and 44 percent on the new portion of the Irvine Street façade.

The subject site is zoned C-3 (General Commercial) and is located at 903 NE 3rd Street and is more specifically described as Tax Lot 4400, Section 21BD, T.4 S., R.4 W., W.M.

Public Meeting:
  Historic Landmarks Committee:  November 14, 2019
  McMinnville Community Development Center, 231 NE 5th Street 3:00 pm

Applicant:  Ron Burcham, on behalf of property owner Mini Super Hidalgo LLC
Map & Tax Lot(s):  R4421BD04400
Current Zone(s):  C-3 (General Commercial)
Proposal:  Design Review for Addition to Existing Structure