Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 3-20) - 835 NW Birch Street

Application:  Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 3-20) - 835 NW Birch Street

Branch Geary, Inc., on behalf of property owners Liz and Joe Wilkins, is requesting the approval of alterations to an existing historic landmark and building that is listed on the McMinnville Historic Resources Inventory as a “Significant” historic resource (resource number B274).  The proposed alterations include the relocation of one existing vinyl window, the addition of one new vinyl window, and the replacement of the existing asphalt composition roof with a standing seam metal roof. The subject site is zoned R-2 (Single Family Residential) and is located at 835 NW Birch Street and is more specifically described as Tax Lot 9300, Section 20AA, T.4 S., R.4 W., W.M.

Public Meeting:
  Historic Landmarks Committee:  May 14, 2020
  Zoom Online Meeting:  2:00 pm

Applicant:  Branch Geary, Inc, on behalf of property owners Liz & Joe Wilkins
Map & Tax Lot(s):  R4420AA09300
Current Zone(s):  R-2 (Single-Family Residential)
Proposal:  Alteration of Historic Structure (B274)