Minor Partition (MP 3-20) - 1755 SW Baker Street

1755 sw baker

Application:  Minor Partition (MP 3-20)

National Urgent Care Development LLC, on behalf of property owner Michael A Wilson Trust is requesting approval to partition an approximately 0.96 acre parcel of land into two (2) parcels approximately 0.396 and 0.566 acres in size to allow for two separate development projects north and south of a shared access, parking, and circulation area on the subject site.    The subject site is located at 1755 SW Baker Street and is also identified as Tax Lot 300, Section, T.4 S., R. 4 W., W.M.

Review Process:
  Administrative Review (Planning Director)

Applicant: National Urgent Care Development LLC, on behalf of property owner Michael A Wilson Trust
Map & Tax Lot(s):  R4429BD00300
Current Zone(s):  C-3 (General Commercial)

Proposal:  Partition into 2 Parcels
  Parcel 1 - .396 acres
  Parcel 2 - .566 acres