Subdivision (S 1-17) - Minor Modification of the Heiser Addition

heiser plan

Application:  Subdivision (S 1-17)

Denny Elmer, Heiser Addition LLC, is requesting a minor modification to the Heiser Addition Subdivision (S 1-16) approval.  The modification request would shift the planned alignment of Heath Street to the eastern edge of the property and reconfigure the lot layout.  The subject site is zoned R-1 (Single-Family Residential) and is located at 2946 SW Redmond Hill Road.  It is more specifically described as Tax Lot 1200, Section 24, T.4 S., R.5 W., W.M.


Review Process:
  Administrative Review (Planning Director)

Applicant: Denny Elmer, Heiser Addition LLC
Map & Tax Lot(s):  R4524  01200
Current Zone(s):  R-1 (Single-Family Residential)