Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 4-19)

Application:  Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 4-19) - 714 SE Washington Street

Patrick Donaldson, on behalf of property owner Julia Wright is requesting the approval of alterations to an existing historic landmark and building that is listed on the McMinnville Historic Resources Inventory as a “Significant” historic resource (resource number B886).  The proposed alterations include replacement of vinyl windows with wood windows, replacement and enlargement of doors, replacement and expansion of a deck on the side and rear of the building, addition of an open wood trellis above the deck, and the addition of a new detached two car garage with an accessory dwelling unit above the garage. The subject site is zoned R-4 (Multiple Family Residential) and is located at 714 SE Washington Street and is more specifically described as Tax Lot 10500, Section 21CB, T.4 S., R.4 W., W.M.

Public Meeting:
  Historic Landmarks Committee:  October 17, 2019
  McMinnville Civic Hall, 200 NE 2nd Street:  3:00 pm

Applicant:  Patrick Donaldson, on behalf of property owner Julia Wright
Map & Tax Lot(s):  R4421CB10500
Current Zone(s):  R-4 (Mulitiple-Family Residential)
Proposal:  Alteration of Historic Structure