Minor Partition Applications

Below is a list of proposed/approved Minor Partition applications.  Partition requests are reviewed by the Planning Director.

Quinby Construction LLC, c/o Eric Harrison on behalf of property owner Lin C. Chan, is requesting approval to partition two parcels into three parcels.  The property was originally platted as Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the Norwegian Wood Subdivision. 

eff Piccolo, on behalf of property owner Wilco Farmers is requesting approval to partition an approximately 9.00 acre parcel of land into two (2) parcels approximately 5.00 and 4.00 acres in size to

Karl-Heinz Berto Wolff, property owner, is requesting approval to partition an approximately 8,485 square foot parcel of land into two (2) parcels approximately 4,208 and 4,277 square feet in size to allow for the creation of common-wall single family dwelling units on each individual parcel.